A Low Dairy Content Blackberry Vanilla Smoothie

This is a very delicious smoothie. I made this with rice milk and did not add yogurt because my husband can not have a lot of dairy. There is some dried milk in the protein, but it is not enough to cause him problems. If you have a sensitivity to dairy this would be a great option for you. I want to stress that this recipe in not dairy free. There is some dairy in the protein that I use but you can easily get a dairy free protein powder to make this a completely dairy free option.

What you will need:

1 cup of Rice Dream Vanilla flavored Rice Milk
1 cup of Private Selection frozen Blackberries
1 medium banana, cut up into pieces
1 scoop of Vanilla Protein powder (I use ON 100% Gold Standard Natural Whey because there are no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners)

How to make it:

Place all items in the blender. I usually add the milk first and then the protein so that the powder does not stick to the sides of the blender. This way all the protein gets mix in well. Add your fruit after the milk and protein powder are in. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes or until your smoothie looks nice and thick. Serve immediately. This makes a great, quick and healthy breakfast, or your can freeze it in a freezer safe bowl and have a good frozen treat instead of ice cream. Enjoy! http://www.blenderbreads.blogspot.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?A-Low-Dairy-Content-Blackberry-Vanilla-Smoothie&id=4087852] A Low Dairy Content Blackberry Vanilla Smoothie

2 Delicious and Healthy Superfood Smoothie Recipes

By Billy Merritt
Neglecting breakfast has become the norm for most people. Most of us become extremely busy as we prepare for our day. As a crutch, we often dash to fast food restaurants in an effort to save time, making choices that favor convenience over health. Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating during snacking, lunch, and dinner - potentially increasing one’s risks of becoming overweight or developing maladies such as diabetes.

Breakfast is our first meal after a long night’s rest, so you should take the time to choose your energy sources wisely. By eating a healthy breakfast, not only will you boost your energy level, but you will also provide yourself with the fuel necessary to jump-start your day. A good breakfast means better concentration without feeling lethargic or worn-out.

Instead of becoming the victim of the negative health effects that come from skipping breakfast, take charge by incorporating spirulina-based superfood smoothie recipes into your day. Spirulina has more protein per gram than any other food, and it is the richest form of beta-carotene available to us. Superfood smoothies are easy to make and can be conveniently stored for later consumption during work, school or play.

Here are two easy superfood smoothie recipes made with spirulina-based superfood powder and anti-oxidant- rich fruit. Either of these will leave you satisfied for an extended period of time in order to maintain energy, retain nourishment and
perform any given task with efficiency.

Berry Chocolate Smoothie
- 1.5 cups pure water
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 cup frozen berries
- 1 round tablespoon spirulina-based superfood powder
- 1 round tablespoon raw chocolate bits
- 1 tablespoon cold-pressed coconut oil

Delicious: a total energizer!

Pear Superfood Smoothie
- 1 cup water from fresh Thai coconut. Also simple pure water
is fine if coconuts are not available…although a touch of agave
or honey will help sweetening
- 1 fresh pear sliced into quarters and core removed (for added
creaminess, freeze pear beforehand, or add ice)
- 2 tablespoons spirulina-based superfood powder
-2 tablespoons hemp seeds or meat from coconut for added

Purify, energize, shine with this total refresher!!!

Neglecting breakfast is not wise. For most of us, a busy day is the norm. As a crutch to get us through our busy schedules, many of us rely upon fast food restaurants in an effort to save time, making choices that favor convenience over health. Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating throughout the rest of the day.

Many of the foods we consume these days are processed, chemically altered, and extremely unnatural. People do not realize that eating these types of foods actually do a disservice to our bodies. Substituting a donut or greasy French fries with a refreshingly healthy, homemade superfood smoothie will make you feel good on the inside and look good on the outside.

You are bound to feel refreshed, energized and revitalized throughout the day with these superfood smoothie recipes, whether you have them for breakfast or for a healthy midday snack.

About the Author: Billy’s Greens offers some of the
best-tasting, healthiest superfood products anywhere, with
ingredients sourced from the most nutrient-rich locations around
the world. You can order right online at:

Permanent Link:

Pumpkin Smoothies

1/2 cup canned pumpkin
3/4 cup skim milk or vanilla yogurt
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
2 tsp. brown sugar or Agave nectar
4 ice cubes

Combine ingredients in blender and puree until smooth.

Pour the smoothies into small glasses (this drink is rich) and garnish each with a dollop of vanilla yogurt or whipped topping. For a fun touch, add a pinch of cinnamon or a few colored sprinkles.
Serves 2 or 3.

Pumpkin is low in fat and calories and rich in disease-fighting nutrients such as:
* Alpha-carotene
* Beta-carotene
* Fiber
* Vitamins C and E
* Potassium
* Magnesium
* Pantothenic acid

Berry Healthy Smoothies

Berry smoothies are great for several reasons. They contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamins C&E, and other nutrients.

Berry Smoothie Tips: Berries provide natural sweetness, instead of adding sweeteners, add more fruit instead for a healthier smoothie.

Triple Berry Smoothie Recipe

1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup raspberries
1 banana
1/2 cup yogurt
1 cup milk
1/2 cup ice cubes

Directions: Blend the banana, ice, yogurt, milk, and other berries together until a smooth drink is formed. Pour into a cup and enjoy a very fruity, healthy smoothie.

Red Berry Smoothie Recipe

1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup raspberries
1/2 cup cherries
1 banana
1/2 cup soy yogurt
1 cup of soy milk
1/2 cup ice cubes

Directions: Blend the soy milk, soy yogurt, banana and ice cube until a slushy liquid forms. Add the berries and cherries and blend till smooth. The berry flavor should give enough flavoring to this smoothie that is full of vitamins and protein. Athletes may add a scoop of whey protein for additional muscle building, fat burning benefits or check out the whey protein smoothie recipes.

Superfood Smoothies

These Smoothies feature Billy's Infinity Greens.....

Banana Mint Shake Paradise

Add to blender:
1 ripe banana peeled and frozen
1 cup pure water
2 to 4 round teaspoons Billy's Infinity Greens
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
10 drops "Herb~Pharm" brand peppermint extract

Pear Almond Breakfast Shake
1 ripe pear quartered and frozen
small handful Billy's Sprouted Almonds
1 to 4 round teaspoons Billy's Infinity Greens
1.5 cups pure H20
1 tablespoon cold-pressed flax seed oil

Coconut Bliss Smoothie
Coconut water and meat from fresh Thai coconut
1 to 4 round teaspoons Billy's Infinity Greens

Delicious Ovaltine Smoothies

Banana Ovaltine Smoothie
1 ripe banana (frozen or not)
1/3-1/2 cup skim milk or soy milk
1 tablespoon ovaltine
2 teaspoons non-fat vanilla or plain yogurt
1 scoop of non-flavored or vanilla whey protein powder (optional)
Place all the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. Makes 1 smoothie.

Blueberry Ovaltine Smoothie
1 cup skim milk or soy milk
1 cup frozen blueberries softened in the microwave for 1 minute
2 tablespoons ovaltine chocolate drink mix
1 scoop of non-flavored or vanilla whey protein powder (optional)
Place all the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. Makes 1 large smoothie.

Peanut Butter Ovaltine Smoothie
1 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon chocolate Ovaltine
1/2 cup skim milk or soymilk
1 scoop of non-flavored or vanilla whey protein powder (optional)
2-4 ice cubes
Place all the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. Makes 2 smoothies.